Schulke Mikrozid Sensitive Jumbo Wipes
Category: Surface
1 Bottle | 200pcs
10 Bottle | Carton
10 cm (Length) x 10 cm (Width) x 25 cm (Height)
The benefits of using Mikrozid
1.Effective Disinfection: Mikrozid is effective against a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria (such as MRSA), fungi, and viruses (including HIV, HBV, and HCV).
2.Rapid Action: The disinfectant works quickly, with contact times as short as 1 minute for bacteria and fungi and even shorter for some viruses
3.Non- Alcohol Based: This makes it suitable for surfaces sensitive to acholol, such as plexiglass, acrylic glass and ultrasound transducer
4. Vesatile Use: It can be used on various surfaces, including medical devices and other sensitive materials,making it ideal for healthcare setting
5. Certified and Safe: Mikrozid complies with health standards and certifications, ensuring it is safe and effective for use in critical environments

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